Feeling hot? Summer sex the last thing on your mind?
Let’s face it, there are so many ways in which a heatwave summer could be decidedly unsexy.
Summer sex feel the heat and do it any way – fun in the sunSummer Turn Offs
– The muggy heat.
– The fact that the longer daylight hours means you’re up, on your feet, doing all of the fun exciting things for so much longer and you’re absolutely shattered by 8pm.
– Having to parade in front of the bedroom mirror and decide whether this will be the year the world gets to see you in that bikini you bought a few years back in the Debenhams sale but that you can’t bring yourself to wear in public.
– The fact that shaving your legs and other bits becomes a necessity not a choice (unless you really don’t care then all power to you).
– Having to sort your feet out for open toed sandals instead of shoving them in some fluffy socks and knee high boots, unpainted toes and scaly heels be damned and hidden from the world.
In spite of all this, the fact remains that hot, sunny, summer days feel sexy. The sunshine lifts the mood giving us a more positive outlook, as well as making the world seem more vibrant in general. The sun and warmth on slowly more revealed skin as the months pass from breezy to a dead heat revives the body and engages it for action. Not just strolling down the promenade besides blue rinse brigade filled tearooms and sulky teen filled arcades, but for hot summer night action that Sandy and Danny couldn’t have envisaged for all the hairspray and lacquer in the known world.
My mind wants to get down and dirty and sexy with my partner but my body and the small sensible part of me says, “it’s far too hot. I’m going to absolutely melt if I so much as cuddle, never mind anything else.” You might not mind having sex in a sauna, in fact it may be one of your ‘things’. For those of us with a partner that resembles a radiator (in temperature terms, not consisting of water filled metal pipes) it can all feel a bit much. The conflict between desire and practicality/comfort.
Top Tips for Cool Hot Summer Sex
The first step is obviously to make sure your ‘sex area’ – which is usually the bedroom for the majority of folk, unless your circumstances make a hot tub or the kitchen counter a nightly sex stage – is as cool as you can get it. Fans, open windows, light cotton sheets. Minimise the technology in the bedroom.
Experiment with foreplay which uses a light touch and possibly more space between you then normal. Instead of getting hot and heavy, straddling the other person, try kneeling up facing each other, or laying side by side with space between you. Explore each others’ bodies with a light fingertip trail, or get saucy by putting down towels or an old sheet and add some ice cubes to the session. This combines a practical cool down session with sexy thrills – perfect.
Use products specifically designed for cool appeal. There are cooling lubes and massage gels, and even those which state ‘tingling’ are usually formulated with menthol which leads to the same experience.
Rigid sex toys are often much cooler than the flexible styles of silicone, jelly and TPR. Glass, stone, ceramic and stainless steel sex toys do eventually warm to body temperature but they have a pleasing initial cooling feel when used over the body of yourself and your partner and when you insert them.
In addition, you can prepare rigid dildos such as those made from glass and metal by chilling them in cold water or leaving them in the fridge for 30 minutes or so before use. If you do pop them in the freezer don’t leave them too long – and always rinse over with cold water before applying to the body or inserting the toy. Ever heard, “don’t lick frozen lamp posts”? You know the reason why. Except this time, it would be ice burn in your butt or vagina. Ouch.
The same applies if you want to use ice lollies as insertables – run them under a cool tap once first. Some women may find their vagina reacts badly to the sugar in ice lollies, so look for sugar free versions if this is you. Or, just stick to (not literally) the pre-chilled glass dildos.
Take your sexy antics out of the bedroom entirely and try a tepid to cool bath together, or ideally, a shower which you can adjust the temperature of as you share it with your partner. Don’t forget the waterproof sex toys if you want to add vibrating pleasure or want different types of insertables than your partner’s penis, tongue or fingers. A cool or cold shower together not only keeps your sex life from waning over the hot summer months, it keeps you both fresh and clean before a night of pre-cooled rejuvenating sleep before another day of sunshine and heat.
If you want to have sex a little bit further afield (possibly even in a field), then read the safety precautions and top tips about having sex in public in this post here. And for goodness’ sake, remember that sand really does get everywhere. https://www.yourdoll.com/